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How remote work impacts the environment

How remote work impacts the environment.
Did you know that working from home just one day a week can reduce your commuting-related CO₂ emissions by around 10% annually? That’s what a 2020 study by the International Energy Agency (IEA) found. Plus, there are several other ways remote work can positively impact the environment – and some may surprise you.

Less commuting = more time for you, less CO₂ for the planet

Remote work doesn’t just give you more time by cutting out traffic; it also means fewer cars on the road, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO₂).

As mentioned, working from home just one day a week can reduce your commuting-related CO₂ emissions by 10% annually. Now imagine if you worked from home two or three days a week – the environmental benefits would multiply!

Even public transportation, while more eco-friendly than individual car use, benefits when there’s less demand. With fewer commuters, buses and trains don’t need to operate at full capacity, which lowers energy use, emissions, and fuel consumption for mass transit systems.

Reduced commuting and pollution due to remote work.

Smaller office spaces for energy savings and fewer emissions

As more employees work from home, companies are downsizing their office spaces. This means less energy is used for heating, cooling, and lighting large buildings, which can drain resources. A report from Global Workplace Analytics found that reducing office use can lower building-related emissions by up to 30%.

Yet another way remote and hybrid work models let the planet breathe easier!

Rethinking where you live revitalises cities and nurtures nature

We all know the challenges that big cities have: air pollution, noise pollution, dense population – you name it. However, big cities also offer a lot more opportunities, especially when it comes to careers. The more people move to bigger cities, the more pollution increases and other areas become abandoned.

So what does remote work have to do with it?

Simple: when employees can work from anywhere they want – they can live anywhere they want, too. And it may not be a grey big city filled with pollution. This means more people can choose to live in less crowded cities or rural areas, spreading out the population and reducing environmental pressure on urban centres.

This shift helps cities create more green spaces, improve air quality, reduce noise pollution, and increase biodiversity. Cities like Oslo, Milan, Barcelona, and New York are working on greener infrastructure by reducing car traffic and creating pedestrian-friendly zones filled with greenery and bike lanes.

Geographic redistribution and biodiversity due to remote work.

Better recycling control at home

If your workplace recycles at the office (like Paysera does!), great! But not all offices do, and even when they try, it’s not always easy to make it part of the daily routine.

At home, however, you have complete control. You can set up an efficient recycling system that works for you, and you’re also avoiding the typical office waste – like excessive paper use or single-use plastics in break rooms. Fewer people in the office also means less demand for electronics, furniture, and other consumables, which lowers material production and product-related emissions.

Healthier eating and less waste

When working from an office, it’s common to order takeaways. We’ve all been there. The problem with takeaways is that they usually come with lots of packaging, are more expensive, and add to plastic waste.

Working from home gives you the option to cook your own meals, which is a healthier, more cost-effective, and eco-friendly alternative. Plus, you don’t have to worry about transporting food because it’s just a short walk to the fridge.

Takeaway food with excess packaging compared to healthier home-cooked meals.

Does Paysera support remote or hybrid work?

A lot of our employees work remotely or in a hybrid work model – we believe in letting people work from where they do it best. This also aligns with our strong policy to invest in renewable energy and green initiatives too.

Now, of course, certain job positions require employees to be physically present, and that’s okay too! Our offices are comfortable, welcoming, and we apply green initiatives, such as recycling and using renewable energy. Where there’s a will – there’s always a way! 

No matter where you work from – your results will speak for themselves.

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