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What you need to know about our new pricing

Explaining the new Paysera pricing for private and business clients.
Starting 1 November, we’ll be updating our pricing for both business and private clients. Yes, some fees will increase, but we want to be up-front: this isn’t just about costs. In fact, more than anything else, this is an investment to benefit you. Fee increases are never fun, but rest assured – it’s an investment for a better future in how we deliver our services to you.

Why we want to talk about this

Paysera has high transparency standards, and we created various ways to practice what we preach: creating a status page for technical updates and making our pricing available for anyone to see at any time on our website are just a couple of examples.

However, in this case, we felt that simply showing numbers is not enough – we want you to know why we’re doing this and what your money is actually going toward.

We’re choosing quality over shortcuts

Let’s be honest: there are two ways a company can handle rising costs. One way is to quietly cut expenses – perhaps use cheaper materials, rely on outdated tools, or reduce service hours. It’s the easy way, but it’s not the right way.

The second option is harder, but worth it: invest more to deliver better quality. That’s the choice we’re making. This means better tools, more innovation, and faster service. We've been doing this for over 20 years, and we’re committed to staying focused on quality.

Where your fees are going

Some of the improvements are easy to spot. For example, we now have Paysera ATMs in Lithuania and launched a new product, Paysera POS, for the Lithuanian market. But there are a lot of behind-the-scenes investments, too. As technology moves forward, so do the tactics of scammers and cybercriminals. We’re always working to stay ahead of those threats, and that’s just one area we’re investing heavily in.

We know these things aren’t always visible, but they’re the backbone of a safer, smoother experience for you.

No fees where they don’t make sense

We’re removing the 5.00 EUR administration fee for inactive business accounts. If you're not using the account, you shouldn’t be paying for it – it simply doesn’t make sense. We only want to charge for services when there’s actual value being delivered.

The future is promising!

We know changes like this can be tough, but we're confident these updates will lead to real, positive differences in your experience. Thanks for trusting us – we won’t let you down!

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